Friday, December 3, 2010


The state assembly of New Jersey passed a bill which will see to it that a good sum of $5 million would be utilized into family planning services for women who are financially unstable or un-insured for that matter.

We Care Project encourage children to provide community care services in Gibraltar. Visit for more information.

Initially the sum of $7.5 million meant for this purpose was cut by the assembly of which the five million is restored now. On the other hand the Planned Parenthood of Greater Northern New Jersey shut its Dover clinic due to lack of financial aid and assistance. The Dover health centre was providing with reproductive health care services for the past 40 years. The bill is titled (A3274) and was passed in a 44-25 vote majority and had 10 no votes.

The sum as eliminated by the governor himself earlier will thus have $5 million of it returned back. The earlier elimination of the sum which happened in the month of June was due to under pressure to close a deficit.

The administration would have to go for an application as for added federal Medicaid funding for women’s health services. This was in accordance with another bill (A3273) as passed 45-25 with 9 no votes.

People supporting the governor’s decision wish he continues to maintain a veto and agreed to it as the amount would go into supporting the abortion business. On the other hand clinic operators as well as opposition Democratic Party supporters went on stating that the family planning grant money did not have even a single penny going into abortions.

We Care is a Gibraltar community care project launched by the Bonita Trust to encourage children participation in community care deeds. Visit for more information.

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